Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Have a Good Sleep With Anti Snore Device Stop snoring products to help keep your body parts in position include nasal strips, pillows, mouth guards, snore balls you strap on your back to keep you sleeping on your side, nasal dilators, electric stimulators sleep position monitors and throat sprays. Most of these can be purchased over the counter. If you sleep in the same room with someone else, then you might want to cross the sleep monitor off of your list. It makes noises. If, however, you wake up everyone in the house, even if they are not in the same room with you, then you can put it back on your list. Another thing you could try is not using any pillows at all. This definitely puts your body in a different position. This is one of those things that you will only know if it works for you when you try it. It is also imperative to loose weight if you are overweight. Too much fat makes your airways work harder and noisier. The fat also presses your airways together.

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