If you are a snorer, you know how it can affect your life, even if it doesn't seem like a big deal to everyone else. Kid's who grow up snoring often avoid situations such as sleepovers and summer camps to stave off being made fun of and keeping their friends awake.
Snoring can also become an issue when a person gets married or moves in with their significant other. The snoring culprit often feels guilty for keeping others awake, and begins looking for solutions.
Some of the most common solutions to snoring are nose strips, mouth pieces and throat sprays. Although these have been effective for some, others are still left keeping their bed partners awake at night. Often, the cause of snoring is open mouth breathing. It is common to find a snorer who sleeps with their mouth wide open, but not so common to find a closed-mouth-snorer. So there must be something to this whole sleeping with your mouth closed thing right? Right.
The cause of snoring is a blockage in the airways. In an attempt to circumvent this blockage, snorers tend to sleep with their mouths open. What they don't realize is that this leads to a dry mouth, which leads to louder snoring. Not good. Also, sleeping with your mouth open puts unnecessary pressure on the throat, which further constricts the airways and leads to more snoring.
If the reason you're sleeping with a wide open mouth is a stuffed up nose, it is important to clear this out before attempting to sleep with a closed mouth. This can usually be done using nasal strips or sprays.
Once your nose is nice and clear, it is time to try the closed mouth sleeping. For most people, however, how we sleep has become habit. After all, we do it every night. (Well, most of us anyway.) Luckily, there is a simple solution to stop the habit of mouth wide open sleeping, and it is called the anti-snore chin strap.
This device is a simple strap that goes around the back of your head and your chin. At first glance, it looks a little ridiculous, but it's cheap and it works, so why not? On website Active Forever, for example, there is a chin strap for only .95. This particular one is lightweight, comfortable, and fully adjustable so that one size fits all.
If other snoring remedies haven't worked for you, this is a simple solution that deserves a try.