Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Solutions

!±8± Sleep Apnea and Snoring Solutions

Among the sleep disorders that affect most of the people, snoring is the most innocuous but has serious repercussions. The worst is that over a period of time, sleep apnea sets in which are not only a serious sleep disorder but fatal in many cases.

This should be a reason enough to start looking for a snoring solution. Usually associated as a mere nocturnal disturbance, snoring not only brings on the onset of apnea but a host of other health issues. Irregular breathing, tossing, frequent waking ups, stoppage of breathing create vital damage to the body. Derived from the Greek word, 'Apnea' is loosely translated as 'absence of breathing' and in medical terms, apnea is the disability to breathe when you are asleep.

Usually it goes undetected as the snorer is unaware and only the bed partner can observe the situation. This is another reason that in most cases, sleep apnea is diagnosed late. It is categorized by sleep disorder specialists into two broad categories based on the individual symptoms. OSA or Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by obstructions in the breathing track which leads to snoring and then develops into apnea.

While the rarer Central Sleep Apnea is caused by neurological causes. When the brain does not send the correct signals to the respiratory muscle system during sleep to maintain regular breathing patterns causes failure of breathing while sleep. It is another fatal form of sleep apnea.

So how does sleep apnea strike?

The body has special mechanisms and sensors that signal the brain about the carbon dioxide levels and based on that feedback, it sends signals to the respiratory system - trachea, throat muscles and the lungs to control the inhalation and exhalation. However when there is any obstruction in the breathing tracks, it limits the normal respiration and breathing patterns. This interferes with the brain signalling and the body gets lesser oxygen. Due to the narrow air ways and tracks, the inhalation is forced over soft tissue in the thrao and causes then to vibrate. This intense vibration is termed as snoring and it is due to the vibration that the obnoxious noise or snores are produced. That is one reason you need to stop snoring.

Under sleep apnea, the blockage is more than normal and can create situations when the brain has given a command to inhale and exhale but due to high levels of blockages, the body is unable to inhale or exhale. This gives pauses of 2-3 seconds and more depending on the levels of blockages and in some cases, the pause is so long that it can lead to death. The crucial and frightening factor is that sleep apnea can affect anyone cutting across race, nation, sex and age. Thus as you can see, snoring does have serious side effects and to stop the onset of other fatalities, it is best to stop snoring. You can use a variety of anti snoring nasal drops, adhesive nasal strips, herbal pills, mouth guards and chin straps to help you get better health and perfect sleep.

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Solutions

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